Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What Is Couples Coaching?

What Is Couples Coaching?
By Lakeisha Mcknight

Basketball players, football players, soccer players and some business owners are professionals within different fields. Although these professionals are knowledgeable about field areas, they also have problems that need to be solved. Many of them have coaches in the game to help bring them to greater heights and reach new goals. The same principle applies for those in relationships.

I believe that couples' coaching is a useful tool to prevent the breakdown of families within their first five years of marriage. Statistics reveal that in February 2007 that in many states the number of marriages are equal to or more than the number of divorces (i.e. Wisconsin, USA marriages equal 1,286 verses 1,338 divorces). During the years 1990-2004, the marriage rate declined by leaps (i.e. Nevada marriage rates declined from 99% of population to 62.4%). The marriage rates are declining and people are getting divorces daily. Couples' coaching seeks to build strong relationships and help decrease the rates of divorces. How? Principles found in the most sold out book, the Bible, has helped many relationships. Your relationship is not an exception.

Couples' coaching is relationship or group coaching involving one man and one woman either married five years or less or in a relationship which is headed towards marriage. The man and woman would meet with their coach separately for two sessions. The couple will then meet with their coach together for the remaining time of the couples-coach working relationship. The time frame for couples coaching relationship is eight to twelve sessions (one session per week). The sessions are 45 minutes in length except for the initial session (usually 1 hour in length).

The first session is free of charge. The coach assesses whether the couple and coach will be able to work well together. This session allows the couple to confirm whether or not they like the coaching style. The coach gathers important information pertaining to the problem the couple is trying to solve. When the couple signs to receiving coaching, they will receive enrollment in subscription for weekly tips for their marriage and discounts on future educating materials for marriage. The couple receives both unlimited e-mailing service as well as unlimited 10 laser sessions. E-mailing service allows the couple to be able to e-mail coach at any time. The coach must reply within 24-48 hours. Ten minute laser sessions are limited to 8 a.m.-8p.m. daily (Monday-Saturdays), except Sundays.

The coach's role is to help the couple find their own solution to their marital problem. The problem can be personal in nature or pertaining to household concerns (i.e. lack of income). The coach must ensure that couples receive assignments and that they are completed in a timely manner. The coach is attentive, utilizing active listening during sessions, asks probing questions as well.

The couple must come to each session with an open mind. The man and woman must give 100% effort to the working relationship. The couple must come to each session with an agenda they desire to see completed. The couple is expected to apply knowledge learned as the couple-coach working relationship progresses.

Look for change in 2008 with your relationships with couples coaching. You will not be disappointed!!!! Visit for more information.

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